Frequently asked questions:
What to know about Finance
Is financial consultation right for me?
83% of individuals experience levels of stress related to personal finances. This Stress will impact the following:
Academic Success
Job Performance
Workplace Culture
Personal Lives & Relationships
Personal financial consultation will help you develop a plan that will pinpoint the biggest challenges to reach your financial freedom. From there we will build action steps together to get you on your journey.
How does finacial consult help my business/institution?
90% of individuals reported that they would benefit from advice and answers to everyday financial situations. By providing financial wellness education, you will achieve the following:
Focused Students
Less stressed staff
Positive workplace culture
Optimistic outlook on the future
I operate a business, how does financial literacy benefit my employees?
Presented by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC), many working-age Americans (age 25-60) struggle with their finances:
36% are financially fragile, i.e., unable to handle unexpected money expenses.
57% have not tried to figure out how much they need to save for retirement.
48% feel they have too much debt.
46% are not satisfied with their financial situation.
Supporting your employees in financial literacy and understanding can help foster a more productive workplace and happier employees increasing employee retention and moral