Educational Institutions

Fitting Your Educational Needs

Together we will find a more effective approach to impact your students financial literacy knowledge! Giving your students a toolbox of resources, as an “one-size-fits-all” may water down the impact you seek to make.

Dr. Rogers is available to:

-Help you map out a institutional plan for financial literacy education -Every institution is different. Together we will determine YOUR biggest needs and find what fits best to meet them.

-Create a TAILORED plan of delivery and curriculum for various student populations – Students from various socioeconomic situations, have different starting points and different paths. Learn how to tailor your financial literacy education efforts to meet students where they are.

-Create a FUNDRAISING PLAN to meet operational needs for the financial literacy program – If you are not receiving funding for your financial literacy program, then you are not reaching your student body and engaging alumni.  EVERYONE agrees that financial literacy education is relevant, I will help you establish a plan to get the support you need for your program.